Detail of the building instructions from the dithered mosaic of Yvonne Strahovski with the standard LEGO colour palette - without parts division.
Detail of the building instructions from the dithered mosaic of Yvonne Strahovski with the standard LEGO colour palette - with parts division.
List of materials for the dithered mosaic of Yvonne Strahovski with the standard LEGO colour palette - without parts division.
List of materials for the dithered mosaic of Yvonne Strahovski with the standard LEGO colour palette - with parts division.
If you intend to use only 1x1 bricks (or plates) for a LEGO studs-out mosaic, this first type of building instructions meets all your needs. The list of materials gives you the total amount of 1x1 bricks needed, and the minimum amount of 1x1 bricks needed in case you like to replace identical adjacent pixels with larger bricks yourself.
This second type of building instructions gives you an exact number of every type of element necessary to build the mosaic. It is probably not the best solution, but it is a good one: my program calculates the possibility of the presence of the biggest elements first, and then starts filling the areas with smaller parts. For example: an area of 1x5 pixels will always be divided in one 1x4 brick and one 1x1 brick, it will never be one 1x3 brick and one 1x2 brick. And if a certain part does not exist in a specific colour: it is always easier to replace a big element with two or more smaller elements than vice versa.
The complete pdf-file of the example on the previous page (conversion to the standard LEGO colour palette - dithered, without parts division) can be found here.
The complete pdf-file of the example on the previous page (conversion to the standard LEGO colour palette - dithered, with parts division) can be found here.